Diet and bodely constitutions. /
Walstenhayme, G.E.
Diet and bodely constitutions. / G.E. Walstenhayme - 1a - London, Londo Churchil 19640000 - 120 ilus
Texto en biblioteca facultad de medicina
Opening remerks, early nutrition and later development, relations hips of different bodily tissues during, nutritions and stress, carbohydrator the cinderella of nutritions, psychological factors in the control of food entake. -
615.854 / W867d
Diet and bodely constitutions. / G.E. Walstenhayme - 1a - London, Londo Churchil 19640000 - 120 ilus
Texto en biblioteca facultad de medicina
Opening remerks, early nutrition and later development, relations hips of different bodily tissues during, nutritions and stress, carbohydrator the cinderella of nutritions, psychological factors in the control of food entake. -
615.854 / W867d