
Review of medical microbiology. /

Jawetz, Ernest.

Review of medical microbiology. / Ernest. Jawetz - 4a. - California, U.A.S Lange medical publications 19600000 - 376 ilus

Texto en biblioteca facultad de medicina

The microbial world, bacterial cytology, optical methods, cell structure staining, marphological changes during growh, bacterial metabolism, bacterial variation, the physical basis of heredity and variation, the relation of genolype to phenotype, the origen of new genolypes in bacteria mutation, transmision of genetic material, cultivation of bacteria, enviromental factors affecting growth, cultivation methoods, the major groups of bacteria, principles of classiffication. -


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Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador Biblioteca UEES
Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad San Salvador, El Salvador