Synopsis of physiology /
Main, Rolland J.
Synopsis of physiology / Rolland J. Main - 1a ed - St. Luis, us The C.V. Mosby Company 19460000 - 341p. ilus
Protoplasm and the cell.-Environmental adaptation of cells and homeostasis of the body.-Circulation, blood and tissue fluids.-Respiration.-Digestions.-The nervous systems.-Sensation.-Endocrines and reproduction.-Physiology of miscellaneous systems, functions, and organs.-
612 / M224s
Synopsis of physiology / Rolland J. Main - 1a ed - St. Luis, us The C.V. Mosby Company 19460000 - 341p. ilus
Protoplasm and the cell.-Environmental adaptation of cells and homeostasis of the body.-Circulation, blood and tissue fluids.-Respiration.-Digestions.-The nervous systems.-Sensation.-Endocrines and reproduction.-Physiology of miscellaneous systems, functions, and organs.-
612 / M224s