
Phlebotomy Essentials /

McCall, Ruth E.

Phlebotomy Essentials / Ruth E. McCall - 1a ed - Philadelphia, us Lippincott Company 19930000 - 291p.

Phelebotony: past and present.-The health care setting.-Medical terminology.-Overview of the anatomy and physiology of the humana body.-The circulatory system.-Infection control, safety and firt aid.-Blood collection equipment and supplies.-Factors to conside prior to blood collection.-Test collection preparation.-Venipuncture procedure.-Skin puncture procedures.-Special blood test procedures.-Arterial blood gases.-Nonblood specimens and test.-Quality assurance and specimen handling, transportation and processing.-Communication and computers.-Laboratory math.-



616.075 61 / M121p
Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador Biblioteca UEES
Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad San Salvador, El Salvador