Putting people and helath needs on the map /
Oþneill, Kathy
Putting people and helath needs on the map / Kathy Oþneill - 1a ed. - Italia, hu Who 200700 - 56p.
Making connections.-Mapping information across sectors.-A regional perspective on health.-From local level to global level.-Input from partner agencies.-Assessing health care coverage: service availability mapping.-Reaching people in need.-Mapping public health resource and risks.-Targeting the distribution of medicines.-Mapping links between diseases.-A regional perspective on helath.-Monitoring child care.-Showing the patterns of disease.-Mapping the disease.-Working with partners.-Monitoring drug resistance.-Malaria early warning systems.-
614.5 / O58p
Putting people and helath needs on the map / Kathy Oþneill - 1a ed. - Italia, hu Who 200700 - 56p.
Making connections.-Mapping information across sectors.-A regional perspective on health.-From local level to global level.-Input from partner agencies.-Assessing health care coverage: service availability mapping.-Reaching people in need.-Mapping public health resource and risks.-Targeting the distribution of medicines.-Mapping links between diseases.-A regional perspective on helath.-Monitoring child care.-Showing the patterns of disease.-Mapping the disease.-Working with partners.-Monitoring drug resistance.-Malaria early warning systems.-
614.5 / O58p