
Atherogenesis: initiating factors /

Atherogenesis: initiating factors / - 1a ed. - New York, us Elsevier 19730000 - 288p.- ilus

Tissue changes and lipid entry in developing atheroma.-Lipids and low-density lipoproteins in intima in relation to its morphological characteristics.-Regulation of cell cholesterol content.-Response of the arterial wall to certain physical factos.-Trasnport of material between blood and wall in ateries.-Lipid synthesis and degradation and lipoprotein transport in mammalian aorta.-Possible role of the glycosaminoglycans in the genesis of atherosclerosis.-Subcellular fractionation studies on the cells isolated from normal and atherosclerotic aortas.-The structure of human serum low-and high-density lipo proteins.-Cholesterol exchange between surface layers and plasma proteins in bulk.-



616.13 / A868
Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador Biblioteca UEES
Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad San Salvador, El Salvador