
Inference and anticipation in simultaneous interpreting /

Chernov, Ghelly V.

Inference and anticipation in simultaneous interpreting / Ghelly V. Chernov - 1a Ed. - 251 P. ilus , tablas

The psycholinguistic approach tosi research.-- Speed, memory and simultaneity speed processing under unusual constraints.-- The semantic and pragmatic structure of discourse.-- Semantic structure and objetive semantic redundancy.-- Communicative context and subjetive redundancy.-- A probabiblity anticipation model for si.-- Theme and compression.-- Rheme and information density.-- Syntax and communicative word order.-- SI and anokhins theory of activity.-- Anticipation and SI: an experiment.



418.02 / C47i
Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador Biblioteca UEES
Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad San Salvador, El Salvador