Analog interfacing to embedded microprocessors: Real world design /
Ball, Stuart R.
Analog interfacing to embedded microprocessors: Real world design / Stuart R. Ball - 2da - Estaos Unidos , us Elsevier 2004 - 322 P. ilus , tablas
System design.-- Analog to digital converters.-- Sensors.-- Time based measurements.-- Output control methods.-- Solenoids, relays, and other analog outputs.-- Motors.-- Electromagnetic interference.-- High precision applications.-- Standard interfaces.-- Analog toolbox.-- Appendix a opamp basics.-- Appendix B pulse width modulation.-- Appendix C useful URLs.-- Appendix D python code for chapter 11 Excel Data for Chapter.-
001.640 42 / B355a
Analog interfacing to embedded microprocessors: Real world design / Stuart R. Ball - 2da - Estaos Unidos , us Elsevier 2004 - 322 P. ilus , tablas
System design.-- Analog to digital converters.-- Sensors.-- Time based measurements.-- Output control methods.-- Solenoids, relays, and other analog outputs.-- Motors.-- Electromagnetic interference.-- High precision applications.-- Standard interfaces.-- Analog toolbox.-- Appendix a opamp basics.-- Appendix B pulse width modulation.-- Appendix C useful URLs.-- Appendix D python code for chapter 11 Excel Data for Chapter.-
001.640 42 / B355a