
Instruction of students with severe disabilities: Meeting the needs of children and youth with intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders /

Brown Fredda

Instruction of students with severe disabilities: Meeting the needs of children and youth with intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, and autism spectrum disorders / - 9a Ed - , us Pearson 2020 - 627 P.

Educating students with severe disabilities foundational concepts and practices.-- Fostering family professional partnerships.-- Assessment and planning.-- Measuring student Behavior and learning.-- Arranging the teaching environment.-- Individualized instructional strategies.-- Creating and implementing inclusive education.-- Designing and implementing individualized positive Behavior support.-- Understanding and meeting the health care needs of students with severe disabilities.-- Key concepts in understanding motor disabilities.--  Teaching self care skills.-- Supporting peer interactions, relatioships, and belonging.-- Teaching communication skills.-- Teaching academic skills.



371.92 / B769i
Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador Biblioteca UEES
Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad San Salvador, El Salvador