
Textbook of medical-surgical nursing /

Brunner, Lillian Sholtis

Textbook of medical-surgical nursing / Lillian Sholtis Brunner - 4a ed. - United States : Lippincott Company, 1980 - 1500 p. : il. ; 28 cm. x 22 cm.

Health maintenance and health needs.-- Health assessment of the client/patient.-- Biophysical and psychosocial concepts related to health and illness.-- Concepts and challenges in patient management.-- Perioperative management of the surgical patient.--Problems affecting oxygen-carbon dioxide exchange and respiration.-- Cardiovascular, circulatory, and hematologic problems.-- Digestive and gastrointestinal problems.-- Metabolic and endocrine problems.-- Renal and urinary problems.-- Sexual and reproductive problems.-- Integumentary problems and disorders of protective function.-- Sensorineural problems.-- Musculoskeletal and locomotion problems.-- Other acute problems.



610.73 / B894t
Universidad Evangélica de El Salvador Biblioteca UEES
Prolongación Alameda Juan Pablo II Calle El Carmen, San Antonio Abad San Salvador, El Salvador