carnevali, Doris L.

Nursing management for the elderly / Doris L. carnevali - 1a ed - , us J.B. Lippincott company 19930000 - 734p.

Health care for the elderly: nursingþs area of accountability.-The nurseþs philosophy of aging and the aged: its impact on nursing practice.-Assessement in the elderly.-Ethical issues.-Governmental policies affecting care of the elderly and acquired immunodeficiency syndrome.-Characteristics of older people and introduction to theories of aging.-Challenges of daily living and development in later life stages.-Aging changes in structures and function.-Laboratory values for the elderly.-Medications and the elderly.-Oral health and the elderly.-Nutrition.-Families of the elderly.-Managing daily living with diminishing resources and losses.-Neurologic and behabioral problems in the elderly.-Cognitive changes of normal aging.-Delirium and dementia.-Psychiatric problems of the elderly.-Daily living with alzheimerþs disease.-Daily living with behavioral problems.-Parkinsonþs disease.-Strokes.-Cancer.-Cadiovascular problems.-Diabetes mellitus.-Gastrointestinal problems.-Genital problems.-Hearing loss.-Hypertension.-Incontinence and urinary problems.-Muscoloskeletal problems.-Renal failure: acute and chronic.-Respiratory problems.-Common skin problems.-Vision problems.-



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