Manter an Gatzþs essentials of clinical neuroanatomy, and neurophysiology.- /
Sid Gilman
- 7a
- Philadelphia, us F.A. Davis company 19870000
- 256p.
Functional components of the spinal.-Spinal reflexes and muscle tone.-The descending pathways.-Pain and temperature.-Proprioception and stereognosis.-Touch.-Lesions of the peripheral nerves, spinal roots, and spinal cord.-Anatomy of the brain stem: medulla, pons, and midbrain.-Functional components of the cranial nerves.-Cranial nerves of the medulla.-Cranial nerves of the pons and midbrain.-Lesions of the brain stem.-Hearing.-The vestibular system.-The cerebellum.-The basal glanclia and related structures.-Vision.-Optic reflexes.-The thalamus.-The autonomic nervous system.-The hypothalamus and limbic system.-The rhinencephalon and olfactory.-Chemical neuroanatomy.-The cerebrospinal fluid.-Neurologic diagnostic test.-