General urology /
Donald R. Smith
- 10a ed.
- California, Estados Unidos de América : Lange Medical, 1981
- 597 p. : il. ; 26 cm. x 19 cm.
Anatomy of the genitourinary tract -- Embriology of the genitourinary system -- Symptoms of disorders of the genitourynary tract -- Physical examinations of the ganitourinary tract -- Urologic laboratory examinations -- Roentgenerographic examination of the urinary tract -- Ultrasonic examinations of the urinary tract -- Instrumental examinations of the urinary tract --Urinary obstruction & stasis -- Specific infections of the urinary tract -- Urologic aspect of venereal diseases in the male --Urinary stones -- Injuries to the genitourinary tract -- Inmunology of genitourinary tumors --Tumors of the genitourinary tract -- Urodynamic studies -- Disorders of the adrenal glands --Disorders of the kidneys -- Diagnosis of medical renal diseases -- Chonic renal failure -- Renal transplantion -- Disorders of the ureters -- Disorders of the bladers prostate & seminal vesicles -- Skin diseases of the external genitalia -- Adnormalities of sexual differentation -- Renovascular hypertension -- Urologic aspects of andrology -- Effects of the psyche on renal & vesical function.