Chung, Edward K.

Artificial cardiac pacing : practical approach / Edward K. Chung - 2a ed. - Estados Unidos, Baltimore : Williams & Wilkins, 1984 - 399 p. : il. ; 26 cm. x 18 cm.

Introductory remarks -- The anatomy and histology of the conduction system -- His bundle electrocardiography and other electrophysiologic tests -- Radiology of cardiac pacemakers -- Holder monitor electrocardiography – A-V conduction disturbances -- Sick sinus syndrome and brady-tachyarrhythmia syndrome -- Indications for temporary pacing -- Indications for artificial pacing for tachyarrhythmias -- Artificial pacing in myocardial infarction -- Techniques of permanent pacing -- Indications for permance pacing -- Differtent modes of artificial cardiac pacing -- Power sources for implantable artificial pacemarket -- Electrical stimulations and electrodes -- Pacemaker programmability -- Automatic implantable defibrillator -- Interferences for artificial cardiac pacing -- Factor modifying pacing stimulatory threshold -- Recognition of digitalis toxicity during artificial pacing -- Recognition of myocardial infarction in patient with artificial pacemakers -- Hemodynamic of artificial pacing -- Fellow-up care after artificial pacing -- Artificial pacemaker monitoring -- Complications and malfunctions of artificial cardiac pacing.



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